Pebble Pups
Jr. Rockhounds
A Pebble Pup is a member between 8 and 12 years old. Where as Jr Rockhounders are members between the ages of 13-17 years old. The Pebble Pups form their own unite within the society. We have fun activities to keep everyone engaged and hopefully foster an interest in rocks, minerals and fossils. Pebble Pups are welcome to join us in our presentations during the general meetings and most activities. We do however ask that they become a member themselves along with a guardian in order to attend field trips or attend any workshops. We hope that the Pups are the next generation of rockhounds and geologists.
The club explores the wonders of rock, mineral, and fossil collecting. Our program participates with the Future Rock Hounds of America under the American Federation of Mineralogical Societies. Our purpose is to train youth members to become skilled rockhounds. Each meeting offers an opportunity for earning credits towards merit badges. There are 20 merit badges that can be earned all together. The merit badge programs offer guided activities listed below. Each Pup will receive an age appropriate curriculum to follow in order to receive their badge.
For further information on the Pebble Pups Club please contact; Chris Picou
1. Rocks and Minerals
2. Earth Resources
3. Fossils
4. Lapidary Arts
5. Collecting
6. Showmanship
7. Communication
8. Field Trips
9. Leadership
10. Earth Process
11. Earth in Space
12. Gold Panning and Prospecting
13. Gemstone Lore & Legend
14. Stone Age Tools & Art
15. Rocking on the Computer (Electronic Cataloging, WWW Rock Sites)
16. The World of Miniature (Psammophile, Micro/Thumbnail Fossils)
17. Special Effects (Mineral Magic, 'TV' Stone, Triboluminescence)
18. Fluorescent Minerals (UV Wavelengths and Mineral Localities)
19. Reaching Across Generations (6 Hour Senior Member Mentorship)
20. Maps (GPS, Geological Maps, Geo-Caching)